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Can You Sell Feet Pics with Tattoos?

One-third of the US population has at least one tattoo. Another 22% have multiple tattoos. While body art isn’t for everyone, plenty of people find tattoos attractive. There are even tattoo fetishes! People with stigmatophilia are aroused by other people’s tattoos (or scars), and may even become aroused by getting tattooed. Ouch!

Tattoos aren’t just unique forms of art. They can also add personality and appeal to your foot pics. If you’re wondering, “Can you sell feet pics with tattoos?” the answer is yes! Keep reading to learn how to sell feet pics that highlight your gorgeous tats, plus tips for covering up your ink if you want to take a more traditional approach. 

Can You Sell Feet Pics with Tattoos?

Absolutely! There are plenty of foot pic buyers interested in tattooed foot pics. The top of the foot and the ankle are common choices for tattoo placement. You can make your ink the focal point of your feet pics by choosing poses that accentuate your artwork. Zoom in on your tattoos while also paying close attention to how your feet appear in the frame. Remember, above all else, you’re selling feet pics, not tattoo ads. 

Not all tattoos are on the feet, though. The arms, chest, and back are also popular spots for ink. Just because your tats might be on your upper body doesn’t mean you can’t show them off in your feet pics. Practice different poses, positions, and angles that include both your gorgeous feet and your ink. 

Tips for Selling Feet Pics with Tattoos

Don’t let a little ink stop you from selling feet pics. Instead, use your gorgeous artwork to your advantage. Here are some tips on selling feet pics with tattoos to attract the right buyers.


Nothing says sexy quite like smooth and silky skin. Successfully selling feet pics of any kind requires a healthy foot care routine. Getting pedicures regularly, keeping your nails trimmed and neat, and your heels moisturized and clean are all great ways to increase interest in your feet pics. Moisturizer is also a great way to make your tattoos “pop.” 

Moisturizer hydrates the tattoo, making the colors look more vibrant and the skin less dry or cracked. You can also add coconut oil to achieve the same results with a shiny finish. Apply cream or oil to your tattoo right before taking your feet pics to enhance the color and overall appearance of the ink. Moisturize it (along with your feet) daily to prevent dry skin, flaking, or cracking. 

Experiment with Different Poses and Positions

The wonderful world of feet pics is extremely diverse and growing by the day. With new and unique niches, categories, and foot fetishes emerging, content creators continue to produce gorgeous pics that push the envelope. Variety is the spice of life, so it’s essential to switch up your tattooed feet pics, too.

Experiment with different poses and positions that show your ink from different angles and in different lights – literally! Lighting is a useful tool for adding dimension and personality to your feet pics. Take foot pics of your tattoo straight on, from an angle, or looking up or down. Your tattoo’s placement will help guide you in choosing the best poses and positions. For example, a tattoo on the top of your foot can be captured by looking straight down at your feet, whereas an ankle tattoo will require a little more finesse. 

Use Props and Accessories 

Props and accessories are commonly used for all types of foot pics. They add variety and personality to your content while showcasing your versatility and creativity. Certain props can help enhance the appearance of your tattoos and bring the viewers’ attention directly to them. Wear a pair of sandals, high heels, or shoes that compliment your tattoo’s placement. The shoes you choose should still leave most of your foot visible and open near or around your tattoo to give onlookers a clear view. Frame the tattoo by draping sheets, fabrics, jewelry, or other accessories around it. 

Document the Experience

Whether you’re planning to get your first tattoo, add to your current collection, or have brand new ink, your fans want to know about it. Use your foot tattoo as the main focus of your content. You can take videos or post time-lapse pictures that show your feet before and after your ink. Some buyers may even be interested in watching the healing process. Film yourself getting tattooed, especially if it’s a foot tattoo. This gives your biggest foot fetish fans a look behind the scenes of your inked experience and creates the type of connection that may develop into a long-time fan. 

Try Fake Tattoos

For those who aren’t quite ready to go under the needle but still find tattoos sexy, there are several options out there. Fake tattoos have come a long way since the days of Fruit Stripe and Bazooka gum. Now, temporary tattoos are available in gorgeous, detailed designs and numerous sizes – including full sleeves! Have fun playing around with tattoos of different sizes, tattoo placements, and colors versus black ink. You can also order Henna tattoos online or get one airbrushed on. Temporary tattoos have the added benefit of washing off. So, if you or your loyalist fans don’t love the look of your tattooed feet, you can return to a blank canvas. 

Tips for Hiding Your Tattoos for Feet Pics

According to the same study cited above, nearly 25% of American adults regret getting one or more of their tattoos. If you want to sell feet pics but prefer not to show off your skin art, these tips are for you. Below are a few ways to sell feet pics if you have tattoos but wish you didn’t. (These tips also work if you have tattoos but want to sell feet pics anonymously.)  

Use Concealer

Most people can agree that make-up works wonders. Concealers and cover-ups come in various colors to perfectly match your unique skin tone. While most products are used on the face, they can also be safely used on other areas of the body – including your feet! A quick way to cover up a tattoo before your next foot photo session is to use a little makeup. 

Choose a concealer that matches your skin tone and apply it generously to the area you want to cover. You can do this using your fingers, makeup brush, sponge, or other applicator. Larger, darker tattoos might require quite a bit of makeup and some time. Let the product dry before posing for your pictures, placing anything on your feet, or trying complicated poses. This could cause the concealer to smear or smudge and reveal your unwanted markings.

Get Creative with Your Angles

If social media has taught us anything, it’s that looks can be deceiving. People posting online have become experts in choosing camera angles that highlight their best features while concealing their flaws. These same principles apply to feet pics! Choose camera angles, positions, and poses that show off your sexy feet without revealing your ink. Foot placement, accessories, and vantage points can all work wonders for hiding your tattoos. 

For example, if you have a tattoo on the top of your left foot, place your right foot overlapping the top to hide it easily. You can use your hands, too! Accessories like jewelry, shoes, stockings, flowers, and other perfectly placed items can work wonders to hide unsightly ink. 

Avoid the Area

The easiest way to sell feet pics without showing off your ink is to avoid that part of your body. This should be easy if your tattoos are located anywhere but your feet! Wear clothing that conceals your ink or focuses 100% on your feet. Avoid posting full-body images that reveal your tattoos on your arms, back, chest, and upper body. 

Get Your Tattoos Removed

This is a drastic way to avoid selling feet pics that reveal your tattoos. The only time you should pay to have your tattoo removed is if you’re truly unhappy with the results. Forget about selling feet pics! Tattoo removal is a major decision you must be financially, physically, and mentally prepared for. However, if you want to start off your foot pic career with a clean slate, you may consider removing unsightly or aged tattoos from your feet, ankles, and legs. Be sure to research the cost, facts about the procedure, and recovery time before proceeding.

Show Off Your Tattooed Feet with Pride

Can you sell feet pics with tattoos? Most definitely! Not only do people search specifically for tattooed feet pics, but plenty of foot models have tattoos all over their bodies. From beautiful and detailed sleeves to small, petite tattoos perfectly placed in the sexiest of spots, personalized ink is all the rage these days. If you have tattoos but want to conceal them while selling feet pics, this is an option, too! You can also use temporary tattoos to figure out what you like before committing to something permanent. 

Click here to check out our top sellers and foot pic categories, or here to start selling your sexy snapshots today! 

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