To shave or not to shave, that is the question. In most Western cultures, women remove the hair from their legs, along with their armpits, bikini lines, lips, and anywhere else where the hair on a female is considered “unsightly.” In other regions, female hair is embraced and considered beautiful.
According to one survey, nearly 60% of people agree that it’s unattractive for women to have hair on their legs. So, if you plan to wear a skirt, dress, shorts, or bathing suit, you may want to consider shaving or waxing. That is unless you want to embrace your natural beauty and let it all go (we don’t judge).
But, what if you want to sell feet pics? If you’re wondering, “Should I shave my legs to send feet pics?”, keep reading! Below we’ll explore how marketable your hairy legs are, whether or not you should shave, and tips for taking high-quality feet pics that sell.
Can You Sell Feet Pics with Hairy Legs?
Absolutely! There are no limitations when it comes to creating foot pics and videos for sale. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, which is one reason why unconventional and taboo foot pics are so popular. Most men’s legs are naturally hairy, so the shaving debate doesn’t apply to guys selling feet pics. In fact, some people associate men’s body hair with masculinity, making these hair-raising photos even more appealing.

For ladies, if you choose not to shave your legs for personal reasons and still want to sell feet pics, you can! You may need to get creative with your poses and angles (more on this below.) You can proudly put your feet and hairy legs on display for all the world to see but may have a more challenging time finding the right buyer for this niche market.
The decision whether or not to shave your legs is yours and yours alone. However, if you plan to sell feet pics, you may need to make adjustments or sacrifices to secure consistent sales.
Should I Shave My Legs to Sell Feet Pics?
The only person who can answer this question is you. Yes, female feet pics showing smooth, muscular, flawless ankles, calves, and legs are more popular. However, if you’re willing to put in the work it takes to find and market to buyers who love hairy legs, you can still make money.

You can also choose not to shave but, instead, sell feet pics that don’t show your legs at all. Plenty of foot content focuses solely (pun intended) on the person’s feet, including the tops, bottoms, toes, and ankles. You can take and sell plenty of foot pics without ever showing your legs or taking a razor to them.
Tips for Selling Feet Pics WITHOUT Shaving Your Legs
So, you’ve decided to go “au naturel,” but you still want to sell feet pics. No problem! Here are some tips to get you started.

Focus on Your Feet Only
This is the easiest way to sell feet pics without shaving your legs. If you’re not ready to go hairless but want to make money off your beautiful feet, make them the star of the show. Take pictures of your feet that only show your feet below the ankles.
Cover Your Legs with Clothing or Props
If pictures of your feet simply aren’t enough and you want to take things to the next level, try covering your hairy legs with pants, leggings, stockings, socks, or other props and accessories. Sheer stockings add a sexy element to your feet pics while concealing your hair.
Some people have a sock fetish along with their foot fetish. Incorporate adorable and colorful socks into your feet pics that cover your calves. You can also use other props and accessories like sheets, towels, or pretty fabric. You could even use your hands or arms draped over your legs.
Get Creative with Lighting and Angles
Another way to cover up your hairy legs without compromising the beauty of your feet pics is to experiment with different angles, poses, and lighting. Use dim lighting or shadows to hide your hairy legs and draw attention to your feet instead. Natural lighting or a ring light can help draw people’s attention to your feet.
Try different poses and angles. For example, a foot pic taken from above staring straight down at the tops of your feet could make it difficult to see any hair. Another option is to take pictures of the bottom of your feet with your legs blurred in the background. Practice in a mirror or snap a few photos from different angles to see which ones help disguise your legs best.
Shaving your legs can be time-consuming, tedious, and irritating for some people. If you’re not opposed to clean, hairless legs but want to skip the hassle of shaving, consider getting waxed. Millions of people have admitted to having at least one body part waxed, from bikini waxes to eyebrows, upper lip, and beyond. These results include both men and women!
Waxing your legs and other body parts offers unique benefits if you can get past the pain. For starters, waxing lasts a lot longer than shaving. On average, someone who shaves has to perform this ritual every 3 to 7 days. Waxing can last up to 4 weeks or longer. For most people, waxing is less irritating as well. While some waxers experience mild skin irritation or redness directly following the session, it subsides much quicker than razor burn or skin irritation from shaving too often. Plus, when the hair does grow back in, it’s usually less coarse, thick, and visible, making for easy upkeep.
Consider Your Hair Color

Dark hair, like brown or black, is much easier to see and more difficult to hide in photos. Light-colored or blonde hair, on the other hand, is easier to conceal and may not show up in pictures. Consider how visible your leg hair is before deciding whether or not to shave for your next foot photoshoot. You can also dye or bleach your leg hair to lighten the color and make it harder to see.
Show Them Off
The alternative to covering up, waxing, or dying your leg hair is to embrace your natural beauty and show it off. If you love your hairy legs, don’t be afraid to display them confidently. Chances are, there’s a buyer out there looking for exactly what you’re selling.
Your beauty and earning potential aren’t determined by whether or not you shave your legs. With enough confidence and creativity, you can sell feet pics with or without a razor. Be sure to check out the rest of our blog before you go for more tips and tricks on making money selling feet pics!