To shave or not to shave, that is the question. In most Western cultures, women remove the hair from their legs, along with their armpits, bikini lines, lips, and anywhere else where the hair on a female is considered “unsightly.” In other regions, female hair is embraced and considered beautiful. According to one survey, nearly […]
Starting a conversation with someone you’ve never met can be awkward. What should you say? How should you say it? And will the other person be receptive? There are so many unknowns involved with breaking the ice and putting yourself out there. Maybe that’s why 42% of adults prefer online interactions over face-to-face encounters. As […]
FeetFinder was one of the first foot pic platforms to really take hold, before selling feet pics was the booming business it is today. Launched in 2019 by college student Patrick Nielson, FeetFinder is now one of the largest and most widely recognized places to buy and sell foot content online. But bigger doesn’t always […]
It was William Shakespeare who asked, “What’s in a name?” Well, according to online sources, a lot! Brand recognition is all about creating an image that is both professional and memorable. Branding includes everything from the layout of your sales page to the colors you choose, and yes, your username. Although selling feet pics is […]
If you enjoy scrolling social media and have been toying with the idea of starting a blog, you’ll love Tumblr. Known as a “microblogging” platform, Tumblr lets users post a variety of media files. This includes links, photos, quotes, text, videos, and music. It’s a safe space for creative minds to express themselves, network, and […]
When you’re a celebrity, the public wants to know everything about you, from what you eat for breakfast to your workout regime. The juicier the gossip, the better. Maybe that’s one reason the world seems obsessed with Quentin Tarantino’s supposed foot fetish. Quentin Tarantino’s unique approach to filmmaking has made him famous, wealthy, and the […]
One thing that makes the foot pic industry so unique is its ability to span age groups, genders, sexualities, experience levels, and time zones. Selling feet pics first became popular in the US, UK, and Canada. It’s now a favorite pastime (and a great way to make money) around the world – including in South […]
In today’s digital world, it should come as no surprise that 3 in 10 adults in the US have used an online dating website or app in their lifetime. Not only is the Internet filled with dating websites all promising to help you find your perfect match, but some are designated for certain demographics. For […]
According to one online survey, 1 in 10 adults fall victim to either a scam or fraud every year. As amazing and vast as the World Wide Web is, it’s equally dangerous if you don’t know how to protect yourself. If you’re thinking about selling feet pics for money, you’ve probably considered the potential risks, […]
It’s never been more popular, lucrative, or rewarding to be a content creator online. Whether you’re producing artwork and erotica, providing a service, or selling feet pics, the world of content creation has exploded in recent years and is showing no signs of slowing down. While there are plenty of platforms like OnlyFans that focus […]
Hacks are the newest way to take easy tasks and make them even easier. Whether it’s a TikTok hack for cooking food faster or a YouTube video on DIY house cleaning, hacks simplify life, save time, and can yield some pretty impressive results. But what about when it comes to selling feet pics? Like any […]
With over 1.5 billion freelance workers worldwide, sites like Fiverr are quickly growing in popularity and potential. Fiverr is a multinational online platform that connects freelance workers with various skills with other users or businesses looking for reputable people to hire. One such skill set that many sellers on Fiverr promote and offer is photography. […]
The foot pic industry is a vast and diverse digital world where sellers from all walks of life are welcome and celebrated. Regardless of your gender, sexual preference, or background, you can successfully buy and sell feet pics in a wide array of categories and niches. Although the most common arrangement involves female sellers creating […]
There are only two things in life that are certainties – death and taxes. As thrilling, exciting, and fun as selling feet pics online is, it’s still a lucrative way to make money. Just like any other online business or endeavor, you’re required to pay taxes on the money you make. With the average foot […]
Hashtags hit the social media world by storm in 2007 and have since become a standard practice across multiple platforms. What started as a way to organize posts and tweets on Twitter has evolved into a valuable marketing and organizational tool. If you frequent social media platforms including Instagram, TikTok, Twitter, and beyond, you’d be […]
What do Google, Starbucks, and Nike have in common? Three very different companies and brands with one unique connection – they are some of the most universally recognizable trademarks in the world. Trademarks are symbols, designs, signs, or expressions that help identify and distinguish one product from another. They also represent ownership and prevent others […]
In today’s digital world, where the Internet is swirling with stories and scandals, nothing is sacred anymore. A wild night that you’d like to forget could easily be broadcast across social media, forever burned into the minds and memories of your closest friends, family members, and even your employers. But can you get fired for […]
Turns out the Ugly Duckling may have been onto something. People say beauty is in the eye of the beholder – and it’s true! Not everyone finds the same things attractive or arousing. What might be considered gorgeous or breathtaking to one person could be a major turn-off for someone else. So, if you’re wondering, […]